Purchase a Custom Domain
Don't have one? Click here to buy your custom domainFeaturedGo Live, Publish, and Set Up Your Domain
Your site's domain is like its street address; it lets other people find it. Setting up your site domain is very important as it allows people to visit your sites. While our site builder does not host your domains, you can purchase a domain and connect it to your published site by creating a CNAME and two A records in your DNS settings. Go Live Taking your site live requires publishing your site, setting up your domain, and setting up your domain through your domain host. Publish a SitePopularForward Multiple Domains to Your Site
After a custom domain has been set up for your site, you can forward other domains you own to the domain you set up. This feature may be useful if you have recently changed your domain name or would like to forward other top-level variants of your domain (for example, .net, .org) to your main site. After setting up a custom domain for your site and waiting for it to propagate, in the left panel, click Settings, and then click Site URL. To forward multiple domains to your site: In the leftSome readersUnpublish a Site
Unpublishing your site will make it no longer visible on the internet. While the site will no longer be publicly visible, you will still be able to make edits to your site and your site subscription payment will continue. You can republish your site at any time to make it live and publicly available. To unpublish your site: In the left panel, click Settings. Click Site URL. Click Unpublish. It is important to note that un-publishing a site does not mean that the premium subscriptionSome readers