DNS Made Simple
DNS Made Simple DNS Settings for publishing sites on the Snapps CNAME Record Host/Alias: www Target/Destination: s.multiscreensite.com First A Record Host/Alias: @ Target/Destination: Second A Record Host/Alias: @ Target/Destination: NOTE: make sure you do NOT have any other A records on your root domain (root = @) Publish Settings in the Snapps Editor Read this article for publishing a custom domain in Snapps (https://support.snapps.ai/publisFeaturedCustom sitemap, robots.txt & other files
Snapps allows you to upload several different file types to the root of your website. This allows you to have selected files that are served from the root of your domain, in order to use them as additional data to assist in your website. The most common use cases for this are replacing the default robots.txt and sitemap.xml files that Snapps automatically generates (for more information on the default sitemap, see How do I Access the Sitemap?). If for example, you want to override these filesSome readersContact Form Integrations
To extend the reach of your Contact Form, integrate it with Google Sheets, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or a third-party application using Webhooks. To add integrations, right-click the Contact Form, click Edit Content, and click the Integrations tab. Google Sheets Integration Use the Google Sheets integration to instantly add contact form submission data to a spreadsheet in Google Sheets. All contact fields in the form will be populated into the spreadsheet, including a timeSome readersClick To Call
A Click To Call widget initiates a phone call when pressed. Adding a Click To Call button to the mobile version of your site makes it easy for visitors to call your business. Note The Click To Callwidget asks the visitor's device to call the number set in the phone number field. Some devices may not have a way to handle this (most desktop computers and tablets, for example), or may handle it in unusual ways. We recommend using the Click To Call button on the mobile version of your siteSome readersImage Slider Widget
Add an image slider widget to your site in order to display a set of images one after another in a row or column. You can add multiple images to display as a slideshow. Instead of having multiple image widgets cluttering your rows and columns, use a single image slider widget. Grouping all of your photos into one widget is useful and saves a lot of space. However, certain cases require single images. For example, you may need a paragraph explaining a single image that cannot be included in a gSome readersContact Forms
Use the Contact Form widget to add a complete web form to your site. The Contact Form widget allows you to provide visitors with a variety of input areas; specific text, drop-down, radio buttons, check boxes, date, time, email, and phone numbers. You can use the form for email newsletter opt-ins, customer questions, or simply to gather feedback from your site visitors. Note On radio buttons and check boxes, you can add images to display for the options. The images will not appear in the emailSome readersNavigation and Sub-Navigation Links
Add the Navigation Links widget to your site to generate an all-inclusive navigation menu with links to all pages on the site, or build you own menu with only most useful links. Well-structured navigation guides your site visitors and help them quickly locate the information they are looking for. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Navigation Links widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Note NaviSome readersText Editor
Use text tools to change the look of a Text or Title widget. Change the font, color, alignment and style of text using a simple editing interface. This lets you quickly make style changes to specific text on your site to highlight key points and organize information. To add text to your site, in the left panel, click Widgets, and then click and drag the Text widget into your site and start typing. Note Existing text in your site can be edited using the old text editor, with the optionSome readersEdit Widgets
Widgets are the building blocks of your site. You can customize widgets to adjust the appearance and layout of your site. Editing widgets allows you greater control over what features your site has and how these features behave. Whether you are looking to capture leads, lead visitors from page to page, show off images, or put an important message in a paragraph, widgets can help. For information about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. To edit a widget, hover over the widget, and riFew readersContact Form Troubleshooting
f you are not able to receive any form submissions that are being sent using the Contact Form widget, most likely it is because our mail is being filtered as spam on your email server. If you do not receive emails from Website Builder, check your spam folder. If you still do not see the email, make sure to white list the IP in your email provider's settings. Note This checklist only applies to contact forms built using the Contact Form widget. Checklist Check the form reFew readersMap Widget
Show your visitors a map of any location you like. Use the Map widget to show the location of your brick-and-mortar business or a special event. You can also use it to show customers where they will find parking. To add the Map widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Map widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Content Editor To access the content editor: Right-click the widget, and click Edit ContentFew readersAnchor Tags and Links
Anchor links let you send visitors to a specific sections of the page, making it easier for them to get from place to place on a longer page or to a specific section that you would like to reference. Anchor links are very useful for letting users skip past content that may not apply to them, keeping them focused on what is important to them. Note Anchors cannot be added to content in the Footer or blog posts. Add Anchors To add an anchor on your page: Right-click a widget or row, theFew readersButton Widget
Buttons are the easiest way to get site visitors to take action. Buttons can lead visitors to another page on your site or to a page on a different website. Buttons can also open a popup, contact form, online reservation, email address, and more. To add buttons: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the button widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Content Editor To access the content editor, right-click the widget,Few readersPhoto Gallery Widget
he Photo Gallery widget makes it easy to add multiple images to your site. When images in the Photo Gallery are clicked, they can be opened in a lightbox gallery or linked to a page on your site, a website URL, a popup, an anchor, an email address or more. You can add titles, descriptions and alternative text to each image. Add the Photo Gallery widget to your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Once the widget has been placed, the Content Editor appears.Few readersOnline Scheduling
Online scheduling is one of the best ways to capture more leads and provide better service to your clients. Vcita online scheduling allows potential and existing clients to schedule a consultation, appointment, or service. Clients can schedule appoints instantly, on any device and with any staff member based on your up-to-date availability. Vcita will also save you time on client coordination, reminders, follow-ups, reschedules and even billing and payments—all in one cloud-based client managemeFew readersGoogle Calendar Widget
Keep site visitors up-to-date at a glance by adding the Google calendar widget to your site. It is a great way to keep visitors engaged by showing them upcoming events, bookings, workshops, seminars and more. The widget provides a seamless integration of a public Google calendar and can be customized like any other widget. Note This widget enables you to display public Google calendars only. If you have added a calendar after connecting an account, the calendar may not appear in the calendFew readersRestaurant Menus
The Restaurant Menu widget lets you share your menu with your site visitors. Include images, descriptions, and pricing for your dishes to appeal to your visitors' stomachs. Automatically import your menu using your Locu or SinglePlatform account, build an entirely new menu, or upload your menu from a CSV. Hungry customers will appreciate being able to quickly and easily find what they are looking for. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the RestaurantFew readersBefore & After Widget
The Before & After widget enables you to show two images, side by side, for an eye-catching and engaging visual comparison. The widget includes a customizable slider to move between the two images. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Before & After widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Content Editor ToFew readersShape Widgets
The Shape widget is a design tool that can be used to highlight important messages. Create buttons and banners, call out awards, and highlight sale prices. You can add an image, color background and text, control the size, and add shadows. The widget can be placed on any location for complete flexibility. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Shape widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets.Few readersText & Image Widget
The Text & Image widget allows you to add an image with wrapped text into your site. You can move the image anywhere in the container and the text will automatically wrap around it. Note To connect the widget to connected data, right-click the widget, and select Connect to Data. For more information, see Connect Your Dynamic Page Widgets. To add the Text & Image widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets tFew readersImage Widget
Use the image widget to insert an image into your site. You can customize images to act as buttons and navigate to other pages or sites, download files, or activate popups. Images are a great way to decorate sites, show off products or storefronts, and create an additional way to communicate with visitors. Note Each site can contain up to 15,000 images. Additional images result in an error message. Note When uploading photos to use in your site, make sure to get permission to use photos coFew readersLottie Animation Widgets
The Lottie Animation widget enables you to add vector quality animations to your site. Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with Bodymovin and renders them on mobile and the web. Browse for animation through LottieFiles, or create your own animation in After Effects, exported with the Bodymovin plugin. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Lottie Animation widget into your site.Few readersTitle Widget
Text is how you will communicate with your users and relay information about what your site is about. You can add Text widgets to your site for basic content (see Text Editor), and you can add Large or Small Title widgets. Titles are output as H1-H6 tags and are good for SEO. By using these different widgets, you can easily control the look of your site through configuring global styles. To add title widgets: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Large Title widgeFew readersOpenTable
The OpenTable widget adds a reservation button that connects with your existing OpenTable account. It enables visitors to make a reservation directly from your site. For more information about different editing options for all widgets, see Edit Widgets. Add OpenTable Reservation Buttons To add an OpenTable button to your site: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the OpenTable widget into your site. Content Editor Type the Text on button in the field providFew readersTroubleshooting Video Widget
My video isn't working The Video widget simply embeds the video on the site. If the video is not working, it may be because the video has been removed or its share settings prevent it from being played. Make sure the video has the right sharing settings. The wrong thumbnail is showing The thumbnail image is pulled from the YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion settings. Try using the embed code that the video host provides and place that in using the HTML widget to see if the issue persists.Few readersBlog Widgets
The following blog widgets are available: All Posts, Recent Posts and Search Posts. These widgets make your blog accessible from any location on your site. Any blog widget can be added to any post on your site. For example, you can add the All Posts widget for your home page and to your blog. For information about adding widgets, see Add Widgets. All Posts Widget The All Posts widget is added by default to a new blog page when you add a blog to your site from the blog menu. ByFew readersVideo Widget
The Video widget allows you to to upload a video to your site or display YouTube, Vimeo or Dailymotion videos on your site. A short video can be the perfect way to communicate to your customers and show what your business has to offer, and is a great way to boost customer engagement and increase conversions. For issues with the Video widget, see Troubleshooting Video Widget. Note Any file (text, image, video, and so on) uploaded to the system is publicly available. No personal and/or confidentFew readersTable Widget
The Table widget allows you to display text data in a table layout with rows and columns. Content can be added to the table by copying and pasting an existing table, using the editor, or uploading a CSV. Note The table can include up to 30 rows and columns. You can upload a CSV exported and copied from Google Sheets or Excel (non-RTL languages, only). Table can only include text and links. Use rows and columns or List widgets to create a table with images, buttons or other widgets. InFew readersHTML Widget
Expand the capabilities of the website builder with custom HTML. This widget allows you to embed custom code into your site, and can be used to embed third-party widgets such as videos, contact forms, and more. While adding custom code can extend your site's functionality, we recommend you only add code from a trusted source. Only add code if you know exactly what it does and how to troubleshoot it if it does not work. To learn more about using HTML in Developer Mode, see Developer Mode. To aFew readersFloating Buttons
Floating buttons allow you to keep a button visible at all times, even when a visitor scrolls down the page. Use Floating buttons to keep important calls to action fixed, visible, and clickable on all site pages. Note The Floating button cannot be hidden on specific pages. For multilingual sites, Floating buttons only appear in the default language. Ideal uses cases include: Contact Us Subscribe Get a Quote To make a button float: Add a button to your site. For more information,Few readersIcon Widgets
Select from a library of more than 1000 ready-made icons, or upload your own SVG file. You can change icon color, hover, background, border and more. Use icons to emphasize your text and balance the layout of your site. Note SVG files can be resized without losing resolution. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Content Editor To access the content editFew readersInline Editing
The editor allows for inline editing for your site which helps speed up your workflow. You can quickly edit and access the options for any widget, column, or row with the click of a button. Context Menu Everything in the editor has the option to open up a context menu. To open the context menu, right-click any widget or space in the editor. Select Container If you are having trouble selecting a container (column or row) in the editor, click a widget and click Select Container toFew readersZoom Widget
Zoom is a great tool for attracting new visitors, creating a database of email addresses for future communications, and solidifying your client's reputation in their field. Add a Zoom widget to your site to allow your customers to communicate with their clients through video conferences. In order to use the widget, you must have a Zoom account in zoom.us. The meeting settings are configured within zoom.us, and once the meeting details are added, you can click to join the meeting from the site.Few readersOuter and Inner Spacing
Outer spacing and inner spacing are the space around a widget. Outer spacing is also know as margin, and is the space outside of the element's borders. Inner spacing is also known as padding, and is the space inside these borders. When you adjust the outer spacing and inner spacing of a widget, you change its placement and appearance. This can make your site look more customized and professional. To adjust the outer and inner spacing around a widget: Right-click on any widget, element, coluFew readersUpload a File
To share downloadable content with your visitors, use the File widget to upload a file that your site visitors can download with the click of a button. Share flyers, ebooks, and other documents by having them available for download. Your site visitors can share your download links easily through other sources, such as email and social media. Before offering content to download, make sure that you understand that your content could be spread without your knowledge. For documents that are sensitivFew readersList Widget
The List widget allows you to display content in one of several pre-formatted layouts, making it easy to organize information or content for your site visitors. For more complex lists consider using the restaurant menu widget or building the list with rows columns and other elements. To add the List widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the List widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Content Editor To accessFew readersMulti Location Widget
The Multi Location widget displays a list or map of all of your business locations. Visitors can see these locations, find the nearest location to them, and click to call the specific business location they want to visit. Note This widget does not give directions from one location to another. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Multi Location widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Content EditFew readersAdd Entrance Animations
Entrance animations let you animate widgets and page widgets when they are first loaded on your site. Motion and interactivity makes your site more memorable and can emphasize the sections you want visitors to focus on, like a phone number or a contact button. When adding entrance animations, keep in mind the following: Too many animations can disorient or distract users, so use them sparingly. When removing an animation, remember that animations can be applied to rows as well as widgets, sFew readersWidget Design
Most widgets in the editor have design options that enable you to customize the widget's appearance for your site. These options can help you create a widget that perfectly matches the style of your site, or one that stands out and attracts visitor's attention. Not all widgets have the same options. For example, some widgets do not allow you to edit inner spacing, others do not let you change outer spacing. To open the Design Editor of a widget on your site, right-click on the widget to open thFew readersSocial Widgets
The editor's interface has three main predefined sections: The top navigation bar, the left panel, and the content area. Each of these predefined sections plays an important role in letting you make your site as awesome as possible. Top Navigation Bar Use the top navigation bar to navigate your site, both by moving between different pages and by moving between different device views. Click a page to view it, or click a device to see how your current page looks on that device. The navigatiFew readersCoupons
Incentivize your customers with a coupon when they visit your site. Upload a coupon image you already have, or build a new coupon using our coupon widget. Coupons and promotions can be a great way to incentivize customers and stimulate interest in your business. Note The coupon widget does not track coupon redemptions. While you are able to have customers redeem coupons by printing out the coupon or using the coupon on a mobile device, there is no way to measure the number of coupons used duriFew readersAccordion Widget
The accordion widget helps visitors find exactly the information they are looking for easily. Add it to your sites and visitors do not need to scroll through blocks of content they are not interested in. Instead, they can be shown a list of questions or titles and simply choose to open the ones they want to read more about. Create compact and easy-to-read FAQs, product highlights, or upcoming events. To add accordion widgets: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the AccorFew readersYelp Reviews
The Yelp Reviews widget displays reviews from your Yelp profile. Customer reviews can improve your reputation and boost the confidence of potential new customers. The Yelp Reviews widget only shows positive reviews, and Yelp sends only three reviews to the widget. In some cases, fewer than three reviews may appear. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. CFew readersPayPal Button
This widget makes it easy for website visitors to send you money using PayPal. You can use the PayPal button both for gathering donations and for selling products. To use the PayPal widget features, you must have a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, sign up for one here. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the PayPal widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Content Editor To acceFew readersTabs Widget
The Tabs widget is an excellent way of displaying content efficiently on your site. Visitors can click between tabs (rather than scroll through text) to view related content. Tabs are a great way of showing content such as Services, Plans or Team members in compact, connected sections. Each tab can contain a label, title, description, image and button, and each of these elements can be fully customized. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Tabs widgetFew readersSpacer Widget
Visually breaking up your content makes it easier to read and improves the overall look of your site. The Spacer widget allows you to quickly add vertical blank space between paragraphs, images, or other widgets. Spread out your information and content to create a professional web page. Another way to space your widgets and content is using the blank space feature built-in to each widget. For more information, see Widget Design. To add the Spacer widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. 2Few readersClick To Email
When you add an Email widget to your site, you make it possible for visitors to be prompted to send an email to your address. Adding this to your home page can help turn visitors into customers; adding it to contact pages makes it easy for visitors to contact you as quickly as possible. Note The Email widget asks the visitor's device to email the address set in the email address field. Some devices may not have a way to handle this, or may handle it in unusual ways. You may also want to diFew readersAudio Widgets
Share songs, podcasts, concerts, audio tutorials and other audio files on your site with the audio widget, which enables you to embed any SoundCloud or Mixcloud audio file or playlist directly to your site. Upload your audio file to one of these services, or use an existing public file, copy the link, and add it to your site via the audio widget. To add the audio widget: In the left panel, click WidgeFew readersCountdown Widget
Increase engagement and create a sense of excitement with the Countdown widget that enables you to add a real-time countdown to your site. Use it to keep visitors informed, build interest, and encourage them to take action by letting them know when a sale, event or promotion is going to end, or when a new product, collection or page is going to launch. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the Countdown widget into your site. To learn more about addingFew readersBusiness Hours
The business hours widget displays the days and times your business is open. This widget is particularly useful for making sure your customers can easily find out when to contact or visit your business, ensuring that you do not lose any potential customers due to a misunderstanding about when you are available. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets to your site, see Add Widgets. Content EditorFew readersCopyright Widget
The copyright widget allows you to place a copyright disclaimer with the copyright icon and current year on your site. The year will automatically update to the current year, and by displaying the correct copyright year it shows your visitors that your site is up to date. Almost every site has a copyright notice which gives basic information about the site. To add the widget: In the left panel, click Widgets. Click and drag the widget into your site. To learn more about adding widgets tFew readers